Moving the Cities 2020 Challenge is now open for registration
This event dedicated to exchange of knowledge will propose solutions for the future in 10 days of acitivities.
During the coronavirus pandemic, colaborating e innovating are words that are increasingly being incorporated in our rourines. With the main objetive of developing solutions through international and intercultural cooperation between science, entrepreneurship , innovation, technology and society, the third edition of the Moving the Cities Challenge is open for registrations. The event will happen from 20 to 29 of novembro, online, dedicated to academics from universities in Germany, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, England and United States. Registrations are open till october 21, in the challenge’s oficial website (
One of the organizers of the challenge, the coordinator of Unisinos’ Materials Engineering and Biomedical Engineering course, Tatiana Rocha, highlight the intention of working with global themes in a local way, with teams formed by college students from different countries that are working in a macro way, but proposing solutions that can be locally used. “The challenge is an opportunity to work with different cultures and problems. For the student is an open chance, he can use this atypical moment as an opportunity to develop.”
According to the Unisinos director of innovation and Tecnosinos CEO, Susana Kakuta, the challenge is about developing fundamental skills related to the future work of this students involved, such as: capacity of dealing and solving problems, innovating, global interaction, and others. “It’s an unique experience of integration with three highly qualified ecosystems: Unisinos, PUCRS and UFRGS”.
For the Innovation Agent of the Polytechnic School of PUCRS, Fernando Lemos, it is a great opportunity for the community to participate in a global event. Students from the three institutions will work together with students from foreign institutions. “Collaboration is at the heart of the Alliance for Innovation and the PUCRS Schools believe and act for this, joining forces and knowledge to promote the development of solutions and business for society”.
According to Tecnopuc’s Operations and Entrepreneurship Manager, Flavia Fiorin, Moving Cities, in addition to being an opportunity for global connection for students, is an example of the strength of the Rio Grande do Sul innovation ecosystem, which works together to promote the development of innovative talents in the region.
The director of the School of Engineering at Ufrgs, Luiz Carlos Pinto da Silva Filho, highlights the institutional link between universities through the Alliance for Innovation. “The agreement is an important movement so we can exchange experiences with international networks and foster some values that we want for innovative education: innovation program, international projects and cooperation”. For him, the challenge will enrich the work of students, who can use creative energy to seek solutions for their city. “It will be an enriching experience, in terms of collaboration with different cultures, working and adapting in teams”.
During the challenge, teams will receive mentoring in online sessions, about business modeling, innovation, market and technology from professionals from Germany, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, England and United States.
The Moving the Cities 2020 Challenge is an iniciative idealized by Unisinos in partnership with UAS7 and FH-Münster to promote the development of solutions trough international and intercultural cooperation between sciende, entrepreneurship , innovation, technology and society. The action is according to the context of the Innovation for Alliance, a joint between UFRGS, PUCRS and Unisinos to potencialize high impact iniciatives viewing the advance of innovation and development ecosystem. In its third edition, it has the participation of Coventry University, DWIH São Paulo, School of Engineering – UFRGS, Polytechnic School – Unisinos, Fraport, Inacap, PUCRS, SAP, Tecnosinos, Tecnopuc, UAS7, Universidad de Santiago de Chile – USACH, Bolivarian Pontifical University and University of Pittsburgh.
The complete schedule of the challenge is available on the event website. Registration is open until October 21st.
What: Moving the Cities 2020 Challenge.
When: october 20 to 29, 2020.
Workload: 55 hours.
Who can participate: Graduation students.
Where: Online event.
Registration: To participate, interested parties must complete the registration form, available in: , until 10/21/2020. Up to 20 (twenty) undergraduate students from each of the participating Brazilian institutions will be selected to participate in the activity.
Investment: free.
Realization: Alliance for Innovation, Alliance for Innovation, Coventry University, DWIH São Paulo, School of Engineering – UFRGS, Polytechnic School – UNISINOS, FH-Münster, Fraport, INACAP, PUCRS, SAP, Tecnosinos, Tecnopuc, UAS7, Universidad de Santiago de Chile – USACH, Pontifical University Bolivarian and University of Pittsburgh.