Women’s Talk Meta focuses on women’s leadership in the IT market and the corporate world

Inspired by the month that celebrates the International Women’s Day, Meta, a technology solutions company for organizations, promoted the event Women’s Talk #Meta to stimulate the debate on the importance of women’s leadership in technology. Opened to the public, the event brought together more than 50 participants at the company’s headquarters in Tecnosinos, with the presence of the founder of the organization WoMakersCode Cynthia Zanoni, as well as Janaína Ferreira, Co-Leader Business Women’s Network at SAP.
Mediated by Leticia Meincke, Communication and Marketing Manager, and Marilu Dias, Manager of People Management, both Meta leaders, the event met the expectation of motivating the participants to become more and more protagonists of their careers. Supporting the construction and foundation of a corporate culture increasingly committed to diversity, the company’s initiative proposed a reflection on privileges and a broader understanding of how each person can contribute into building a more inclusive work environment.