W3K Technology

W3K develops and markets GreenDocs, a platform for information governance, successfully used by medium and large companies in the country.

W3K is part of the SKA Group, a company with more than 20 years of experience, recognized for its solidity and leadership. We are proud to be a Brazilian company with an innovative spirit and aware of the needs of emerging countries. Relying on experienced professionals who make up a competitive team which is committed to the customer’s results, and operating in a great and rewarding work environment reinforces and guarantees the success of our projects.

Products and Services

GreenDocs provides advanced Corporate Content Management (ECM/GED), Engineering Document Management (EDMS), and Business Process Automation (BPMS) tools.

Old ways of controlling information are slow and inefficient, choose a technology that is more comprehensive than just a solution and GED, more complete than a BPM product. W3K customers report having gains such as:

– Faster search and validation of documents and records.

– Paper reduction

– Better management of events, demands and business processes.

– Transparency of Information and Indicators

– Better auditability and compliance with standards such as ISO, FDA, OHSAS, PBQP-H, N-1710, among others.”

February 03, 2020
W3K Technology

(51) 3081-5900


Av. Theodomiro Porto da Fonseca, 3101, Prédio 10, Sala 209, São Leopoldo, Brasil.

consolidated company