
We develop and represent solutions for quality control, metrology and methods of analysis and problem solving. We work innovatively in performing Resident Engineering Services, with complete availability, to increase responsiveness to your customers while reducing your service costs.

Solutions and Services

Dimensional inspection, 3D scanning and reverse engineering;

Application of M.S.A, PPAP and implementation of CEP;

Metrology Training. GD&T, M.S.A and CEP;

Analysis and troubleshooting through PDCA, 8D, RedX, 6Sigma;

Segregation and reworking of parts;

Software for the statistical monitoring of processes;

Laboratory analysis.

February 03, 2020

(51) 3590-8639

(51) 9 9409 9130



Avenida Unisinos, 950 - Unitec 2 - Sala G13108 - São Leopoldo - CEP 93022-750


incubated startup