Altus Sistemas de Automação

Reference in the automation market and process control for more than 30 years, Altus Sistemas de Automação has a complete line of products to serve customers from different fields of national and international industry.

Developed with its own technology, the solutions offered by the units of Product and Systems Integration stand out for always being constantly updated.

The solid foundation of the company is structured in three core values: people, driving force that generates the core competence of the company; knowledge – essential to work in high-value markets; and management, essential to ensure the overall quality of their processes.

The ability to turn knowledge into value added makes Altus an innovator in market segments where it has operations. The synergy between business, educational institutions, research centers and international partners, provides a highly conducive to the achievement of business environment.

Products and services

Altus produces and supplies programmable controllers and associated electronic devices, basic equipment for increasing the quality and productivity of the industry. The company also develops projects for drilling rigs and production of oil and gas as well as systems for generation, transmission and distribution of energy.

December 10, 2018
Altus Sistemas de Automação

(51) 3589-9500

Av. Theodomiro Porto da Fonseca, 3101, lote 01 - São Leopoldo/RS - Brasil

consolidated company